New Age new
A Search for God: Bks. 1 & 2
$31.02 USD
In 1931, Edgar Cayce agreed to help a group of people grow spiritually and become more psychic, with one condition: They would have to live' the precepts. It took the...
Aqua Vitae: Non Vitis (British Library MS, Sloane 1741)
$14.10 USD
The Vaughans' eighteenth-century notebooks provides a record of their research in alchemy. This edition features the translation on the page facing the original. An introduction covers the biographies of the...
Biography: Freedom and Destiny: Enlightening the Path of Human Life
$15.51 USD
This broad-ranging anthology addresses critical and still-unanswered questions: What are the effects of educationespecially contrasting educational methodson later life? How are the stages of one's life interrelated? Do the...
Dark History of the Occult
$14.10 USD
From tribal magic and shamanism, through the work of WB Yeats and Aleister Crowley, to black magic rituals and New Age nihilists, The Dark History of the Occult asks whether...
Drugs of the Dreaming: Oneirogens:
$14.10 USD
The first comprehensive guide to oneirogens--naturally occurring substances that induce and enhance dreaming • Includes extensive monographs on dream-enhancing substances derived from plant, animal, and human sources • Presents the...
Emissary of Light: A Vision of Peace
$11.28 USD
James F. Twyman Shares adventures in Bosnia & Croatia & explains how we could be on the brink of lasting world peace.
End of Days: Predictions and Prophecies About the End of the World
$21.15 USD
by : Sylvia Browne Religious wars, global terrorism, pandemics, and genocide have all helped to usher in the Anxiety Age. Who better to lead the way out than popular psychic...
Eurythmy: An Introductory Reader
$11.28 USD
Rudolf Steiner's original contribution to human knowledge was based on his ability to conduct 'spiritual research', the investigation of metaphysical dimensions of existence. Samples of his work are to be...
Moonbeams and Shooting Stars
$7.05 USD
by : Gwinevere Rain A guide to empowerment-from one teen to another. Gwinevere Rain understands how confusing the teenage years can be for young women. In Moonbeams and Shooting Stars,...
Oracle Bones Divination: The Greek I Ching
$11.28 USD
Explains how to cast and interpret this oracle using either coins or traditional animal bones*Reveals how the use of oracle bones predates the I Ching*Includes the complete matrix of oracle...
Oracles of the Dead: Ancient Techniques for Predicting the Future
$14.10 USD
An examination of the shadow side of prophecy in human history and our attitudes toward fate and predicting the future- Explores the divinatory techniques and traditions of classical Greece and...
Practical Guide to Runes
$14.10 USD
The mythological origin of the runes. Beginning to use runes and developing divination skills. The meanings of the runes individually and in a reading. by : Simon Lilly
Precessional Time and the Evolution of Consciousness:
$14.10 USD
How stories enable us to identify the inner spiritual aspects within our material world and participate in the evolution of human consciousness foretold by ancient myths • Reveals the heightened...
Runic Palmistry
$14.10 USD
Think about the many different things you do with your hands each day: eating, writing, gesturing, caressing a loved one. Now take a close look at your hand. Is your...
Taking the Tarot to Heart: Fun and Creative Ways to Improve Your Love Life
$14.10 USD
by : Mark McElroy Emphasizes the practical, not the mystical, to show that anyone can use the Tarot to improve their love life and includes an overview of the Tarot,...
The Dead Roam the Earth
$14.10 USD
Captivating true accounts of the paranormal from all over the worldDo you believe in ghosts? From incubi in Sumatra to exorcism in Sudan to spirits in our own backyard,...
The Hand and Its Mysteries
$14.10 USD
Understand temperament and character - or even learn how to forsee the coming events in your life - by reading the hidden mysteries of the palm. by: Karma
The Illuminati Papers
$11.28 USD
Is history a vast conspiracy? A cosmic joke? Discover the truth - maybe - in the long-awaited new edition of Robert Anton Wilson's classic cult bestseller The Illuminati Papers....
The New Age: The History of a Movement (or) Searching for a Spiritual Self
$18.33 USD
Does the New Age movement present a serious challenge to the orthodoxies of mainstream Western religion? Here is a coherent response to this question and an accessible overview of the...
The Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic,
$49.35 USD
by: Manly P. Hall (Author)
The Temple of High Magic: Hermetic Initiations in the Western Mystery Tradition
$16.92 USD
A practical guide to pathworking and other esoteric techniques from the ancient mystery schools predating Christianity • Explains the dynamics of both group ritual and solo practice • Shows that...
The Weiser Field Guide to Ascension
$14.10 USD
Tackling a vast and often misconstrued topic, The Weiser Field Guide to Ascension delivers the laymanas guide to historical, biblical, and the highly topical implications surrounding the earth shift and...
The Woman of Wyrrd: The Arousal of the Inner Fire
$14.10 USD
+From the bestselling author of the Medicine Woman series, this new chronicle in the highly successful Sisterhood of the Shields series explores past lives and feminine spirituality. by :...
There's More to Life Than This: Healing Messages, Remarkable Stories
$18.33 USD
by : Theresa Caputo (Author)
Thoughts through Space: A Remarkable Adventure in the Realm of Mind
$14.10 USD
This is the story of Sir Hubert Wilkins, a world renowned pilot and explorer who, during a six month flight searching for downed Soviet aircraft, communicated telepathically with Harold Sherman,...
Toward 2012
$14.10 USD
An informed, challenging, and engaging collection of essays on the new choices in lifestyles and community as we begin the countdown toward the year 2012. This fresh and thought-provoking...
Visions of Nostradamus and Other Prophets
$14.10 USD
Since ancient times, fascinating individuals have claimed the power to peer into the beyond using everything from crystal balls, trances, and messages from God to ancient spirits and the...