The Abs Diet: The 6-Week Diet to Flatten Your Stomach and Keep You Lean for Life
$18.33 USD
Whether you want to change your body to improve your health, your looks, your athletic performance, or your sex appeal, The Abs Diet exclusive women's edition offers you a simple promise: If you follow this plan, you will transform your body so that you can accomplish each and every one of those goals. As a bonus, The Abs Diet exclusive women's edition will do something more than just enhance your life - this book is going to save it. In addition, just look at what you'll gain: * A fitter, healthier, sexier body. (Both men and women rate a flat stomach as the most appealing muscle group.) * Freedom from back pain and injury. (In one study, firmer abs were found to be the most important predictor of one's overall health.) * A longer, healthier life. (The right diet can fight cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and more.) * A better sex life. (Learn the diet-and-exercise prescription for total sexcellence.) * Relief from stress. (A stress-busting workout can help you get the fit body and calm mind you want.) Great abs are only 6 weeks away.
By: David Zinczenko