Business, Finance & Management
$100M Offers: How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No
$35.25 USD
– Sold Outby : Alex Hormozi (Author)
101 Ways to Recession-Proof Your Career
$14.10 USD
One of the country's leading career counselors tells readers how to protect, manage, and advance their careers in any environment Even in a recession, thousands of opportunities still exist for...
50 Plus! Critical Career Decisions for the Rest of Your Life
$12.69 USD
This book is directed toward people who want to succeed. They want to have their ticket punched one more time. They know they have something to give back, and they...
A Force For Change: How Leadership Differs from Management
$28.20 USD
by : John P. Kotter | Apr 1, 1990
A Scientific Approach to Reality Based Training
$42.30 USD
by: Terry Wollert (Author), Jeff Quail (Author), Three Pistols Publishing (
Actions Speak Louder: A Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming an Inclusive Workplace
$21.15 USD
– Sold Outby : Deanna Singh (Author)
Applied Strategic Planning: An Introduction
$35.25 USD
– Sold Outby : Leonard D. Goodstein (Author), Timothy M. Nolan (Author), Jeanette Goodstein (Author)
Art of Seduction
$16.92 USD
– Sold OutWhich sort of seducer could you be: Siren? Rake? Cold Coquette? Star? Comedian? Charismatic? or Saint? This book will show you which. Charm, persuasion, the ability to create illusions: these...
Bitter Chocolate: Anatomy of an Industry
$14.10 USD
ailed as compelling ( Kirkus ) and an astonishing [and] wrenching story ( London Free Press ), Bitter Chocolate is an eye-opening look at one of our most beloved consumer...
Blood and Money: War, Slavery, Finance, and Empire
$18.33 USD
– Sold Outby : David McNally (Author)
Breaking the Glass Ceiling : can women reach the top of America's largest corporations?
$7.05 USD
– Sold Outby : Morrison, Ann M
Build a Business from Your Kitchen Table
$14.10 USD
Seeking out the people who create the unusual, the inspired and the people who are just plain 'out there' - that's what is all about. So how did...
Change-Friendly Leadership
$14.10 USD
– Sold OutReaders of CHANGE-friendly LEADERSHIP are in for a treat. Why? Because this book truly delivers on the title’s promise. Readers who embrace and follow the book’s principles and practices will...
Climbing the Ladder in Stiletto
$14.10 USD
Is your work deeply satisfying? Do you look forward to Monday morning and the start of each new day? If you could do anything in the world without fear of...
Collapse of Distinction: Stand out and move up while your competition fails
$14.10 USD
Free your book! Buying a product tagged "NelsonFree" means you get more than just the hardback book. You also get a free ebook and a free audiobook. Three formats for...
Commonsense Direct & Digital Marketing
$16.92 USD
Drayton Bird's Commonsense Direct and Digital Marketing needs no introduction to marketers and direct marketers. It is not only seen as the authority on direct marketing execution, but is also...
Crisis Communication: Practical PR Strategies for Reputation Management
$14.10 USD
by : Peter Anthonissen | Sep 3, 2008
Crucial Accountability: Tools for Resolving Violated Expectations,
$28.20 USD
by : Kerry Patterson (Author), Joseph Grenny (Author), Ron McMillan (Author), Al Switzler (Author), & 1 more
Currency Trading and Intermarket Analysis: How to Profit from the Shifting
$56.40 USD
As head FX strategist at CMC Markets - one of the world's leading forex/commodity brokers - Ashraf Laidi understands the forces shaping today's currency market and their interplay with interest...
Davos Man: How the Billionaires Devoured the World
$28.20 USD
– Sold Outby: Peter S. Goodman (Author)
Delivering Knock Your Socks Off Service 2nd Edition
$14.10 USD
This bright and breezy service primer has proven itself a big hit with front-line service providers and service managers alike! For the nearly 80% of America's workforce that provides service,...
Dynamism, Rivalry, and the Surplus Economy:
$18.33 USD
by: János Kornai In Dynamism, Rivalry, and the Surplus Economy, János Kornai examines capitalism as an economic system and in comparison to socialism. Kornai explains his view of capitalism as...
e-Procurement: From Strategy to Implementation
$11.28 USD
This guide to Web-based procurement covers a variety of models, including sell-side, buyer-managed, vertical and horizontal markets, ASPs, and auctions. It also discusses the technology involved, strategy, standards, structure, change...
Enjoy! 101 Little Ways to Add Fun to Your Work Every Day
$11.28 USD
– Sold OutEvery year, we all find ourselves working harder, longer, and at a faster pace. Very few of us are working a forty-hour week anymore and many of us find it...
Entrepreneurship in Action
$21.15 USD
Fun, contemporary, and easy to read, this book conveys the excitement and reality of entrepreneurship. Coulter focuses on the actual tasks and activities of the entrepreneur—from researching venture feasibility, to...
Flip the Funnel: How to Use Existing Customers to Gain New Ones
$14.10 USD
Why customer retention is the new acqusition. If there's anything the recession of 2009 taught us, it was the importance of investing in our customers, but when was this any...
Gender Dimensions in Leadership: Reflections, perceptions and perspectives on inclusivity - for executives and coaches, Drijfhout, S E
$28.20 USD
– Sold Outby : S E Drijfhout (Author)
Getting Naked : A Business Fable about Shedding the Three Fears
$14.10 USD
– Sold OutA business fable about shedding the three fears that sabotage client loyalty. 'Getting Naked' tells the remarkable story of a management consultant who is trying desperately to merge two firms...
Globalisation Laid Bare: Lessons in International Business
$14.10 USD
How does globalisation affect our economy and how did it cause the financial melt-down? In this unique book twelve global thinkers and business people, including global entrepreneur Richard Branson (...
God and Money
$14.10 USD
Contending that empire is alive and well in the world's monetary systems, God and Money explores the theological-ethical implications of money as a social relation with others and to God....