Interior Design new
House Beautiful Walls & Floors Workshop
Interior Design new
House Beautiful Walls & Floors Workshop
$14.10 USD
With inspiring photos, specially commissioned illustrations, and expert advice, House Beautiful can help make everyone’s dream of a beautiful home come true—starting from the ground up and with the very foundations of decorating: the walls and floors. Every home decorating question is answered: How do you use color to create a mood? Which works better in a given situation: wallpaper or paint? Should you refinish the original wood floors or put down ceramics? Where does it make sense to have carpeting and where should you think about using mosaic tiles? Hundreds upon hundreds of great ideas show how to add style, beauty, and warmth to any space, whether it’s a modern or traditional home, a country cottage or sleek urban apartment.
BY : Tessa Evelegh and The Editors of House Beautiful Magazine